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A.I. Driven Software Outsourcing


Outsourcing software development? Create smart contracts that use A.I. to verify your deliverables based on your requirements and only release funds from escrow when A.I. verifies your deliverables have been met.

Test the MVP by adding your GitHub repository link below, along with the corresponding software requirements to analyse whether the code has met the specified requirements
Add you profile and repository link below in the format profile/repository e.g. for, you only need to add 'profile/repository'

Review Deliverables at Each Milestone

Outsource small tasks or large feature sets. Utilise Artificial Intelligence to analyse the deliverables of each task that you want completed. Analyse the code based on different factors and test!

Type of tests can include: â€‹

- Unit tests

- Integration Tests

- Regression Tests

- Security Tests


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Dashboard overview

Dashboard overview gives you a snapshot of all open tasks, milestone status on whether passed / failed or in development. 


Hold funds in escrow  passes the tests

Invite the developer you want to work with and add the agreed funds for the task. Until the code has passed the A.I. analysis, the funds are stored funds in escrow, which are then automatically released using a smart contract when the tests have been passed running on Travis CI. 


Pay in fiat or crypto currency, ensuring that your deliverables match your requirements.

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Utilise the growing fractionalised, remote outcome based developer workforce

All over the world, the freelance workforce has been increasing with the number of professional software developers who conduct freelancing doubling since the pandemic. 

How Do We Make Your Team Life Easier? 

Task based, outcome based deliverables

Streamlined managing contracts and payments

Reduce ambiguity in requirements working with offshore providers

Keep your core team lean and outsource more specialized 


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